

Check out our new website at we have class info, Summer camp info, calendar of events, etc.


10 Day Count Down to the GRAND OPENING of our new website! Where you can get all the information on upcoming fall classes, auditions, dance classes and more.


Summer Camps

Summer is here, and have got some camps for you!

Music Theatre Camp age 9 to 18 

June 15 thru 27 

Monday - Saturday 

10:00 to 5:00 

Cost $250 

Learn Music Theatre from top to bottom in the process of producing a Broadway classic. Students will audition, rehearse, design and perform for a live audience!

Performing Friday, June 26 at 7:00pm, Saturday, June 27 at 7:00pm and Sunday, June 28 at 2:00pm 

Online Signup

Skippy Jon Jones Drama Camp ages 4 - 8 

Acting, Games, Crafts, Dress up and more!! 

June 29 thru July 3 

Monday - Friday 

9:00 to 12:00 or 1:00 to 4:00 

Cost $65 

Performing Friday, July 3 at 7:00 

Online Signup

Film Maker’s Camp ages 10 and up 

Actors and Film Makers come together to create an original short film. 

July 6 thru 11 Monday - Saturday 

Film Maker‘s: Monday - Wednesday 9:00 to 12:00 Write an original screenplay and map out a shoot 

Actor‘s: Monday - Wednesday 1:00 to 4:00 Learn acting techniques and play a role in the movie 

All: Thursday - Saturday 9:00 to 4:00 We will be filming and editing our original film these days 

Cost $125 for one session $200 for both 

Includes Dvd 

Movie Premier Sunday 12 at 2:00 

Online Signup

space is limited, ENROLL TODAY! 

The Family Theatre Warehouse 

907 W. Britton Rd. 

OKC, OK 73114 



Happy President's Day!

Today is President's day. This is the most confusing quasi-holliday in the American calendar! Banks are not open the stock market is closed but everything else is going strong!
Here are some links to cool president's day stuff!

Here in Central Oklahoma the kids are out of school and looking at great weather! And here at Family Theatre Warehouse we have something else to celebrate, cast lists are posted and we are off to a great start on our Spring '09 season!

Here are the lists!


Thank you for a great audition! Everyone did a great job! We will be combining the Tuesday and Thursday classes this semester to provide the best learning experience for all, so, we look forward to seeing you on Tuesday!
Here is the cast list for Cinderella. If your name does not appear it is an oversight, please contact us at once so that we can correct it.
Prince ................................................ Dustin Boatright / Court Kilhoffer
King ................................................... Asher Morris / Mason Mcginty
Footman ............................................Gideon Morris / Macy Gilliam
Cinderella .......................................... Lindsay Yeager/ Elizabeth Morris
Queen ................................................ Brooke Irwin / Allison Johnson
Stepmother ....................................... Galen Patterson / Savannah McMillon
Portia ................................................. Abigail Morris / Julie Fischer
Joy ..................................................... Ella Dunning / Ashley Getz
Fairy Godmother .............................. Missy Boatright / Sariah Emerick
Palace Chef / Shop Keeper ........... Renee Hashemi
Lady in Waiting / Shop Keeper ...... Breanna Massie
All roles with two names following are double cast. Each actor will perform in seperate performances. Students who are double casted will perform with the other cast in the chorus roles. Chorus parts to be announced include, townspeople, a cat, four mice, servants, and guest at the ball. Due to the necessity of combining classes the show schedule has been altered. Each cast will perform three shows in their lead role and three in their chorus role. All students will be in all shows. The dates for the performances are...Friday, June 5 at 7:00Saturday, June 6 at 7:00 Sunday, June 7 at 2:00Friday, June 12 at 7:00Saturday, June 13 at 7:00Sunday, June 14 at 2:00If your student is unable to perform on the additional weekend please let us know right away so we can schedule the actors accordingly. (No later than March 15) A revised schedule for the class will be handed out this Tuesday.
Thank you,The Directors

Peter Pan

Thank you for the awesome auditions I am very excited about this class! If your name does not appear on the following cast list it is an oversight, it will be corrected immediately! Please note that not all parts are assigned yet and some great surprises await those who work hard to prepare their roles!
Peter Pan................. Connor Anderson
Captain Hook.................. Cody Jeffcoat
Smee................................. Jake Malone
Mr. Darling...................... Chaz M. Holt
John Darling................... Troy Bodman
Michael Darling............ Gideon Morris
Mrs. Darling.............. Elizabeth Morris
Wendy Darling......... Theresa Bodman
Tinkerbell..................... Sophia Griffith
Tigerlilly...................... Jillian Ferguson
The Twins.................... Josie Ferguson / Abigail Morris
Tootles....................... Gillian Anderson
Nana........................... Joelye Ferguson
Students will also be portraying: Crocodile, Narrators, Pirates, Indians, and lost boys as available and needed. These parts will be assigned throughout the semester.
So as you celebrate President's Day, remember, you probably can't cash a check but you can get a heck of a great deal on a barbecue at a President's Day sale near you!


DUE to Tornado activity and schools being on lockdown, class was cancelled yesterday, tuesday, Feb. 11. Auditions are rescheduled for Thursday 4:40 to 7:00, or Saturday at 10:00 to 12:30. You may attend either time.


The Family Theatre Group is holding an OPEN AUDITION Monday Feb. 23 at 7:00pm for

for more information click on community theatre


Peter Pan is back!

Peter Pan, the boy who never grew up has graced the FTW stage in musical form once and now a lively dramatic adaptation will be bringing him back again!

This homeschool drama class will be held on Wed afternoons from 1 to 3 pm for ages 8 to 18!
Join Peter, Wendy,Michael, John, the lost children, and Tiger Lilly as they battle the wiley Captain Hook and his band of not so lovable rogues, the pirates!

With all of the swashbuckling adventure of JM Barries classic original, this tale with heart will remind all of us of what it means to grow "up" without growing "old"

Tuition for the class will be $50 per month with a $40 production fee and $25 for costuming. The class will be open enrollment with each student receiving a role in the production.
An acting audition will be held the second week of class to help determine skill level for role assignment.
Performances will be May 1-2 Friday morning at 10am, Friday evening at 7pm, Saturday evening at 7pm, and a possible matinee onSunday at 2pm. (depending on class size)
For more information follow this link to the online enrollment form.


Newsies , one down, one to go!

Thanks to all who made it to the premier weekend of Newsies at Family Theatre Warehouse this last week! We have three more shows this week Jan. 16-18, so come join us!

For those who were in the cast or had friends and family in the cast picture disks are available at the studio beginning this afternoon. Their is a slide whow in the right hand column of this page with a sampling of the images you will receive! There are more than 400 high res photos on each disk for $20 ea! That is less than 5 cents per image! Use them in emails, digital photo frames, websites or print them and frame them! Let us know if you would like one.

Videos of this world premier production will be available shortly, also we are working on a special edition glossy bound script with cast photos and biographies, these will be available for purchase soon!


Sheet Music is Here!

Better Late than never, I hope! When I took on the task of writing the script and composing the music for this Fall's productio of Newsies I had no idea what all the learning curve would entail, what a trip! Well, here we are going into the final stretch and here are links to the sheet music for the twelve original songs! Follow the text link above each song to Scribd, the hosting company, for a downloadable version, download the PDF to a file folder and print or view on your monitor, let me know how it works!

Section one: Get Up!, Papers, Big and Little

Section two: My one and only, I'm the Girl, Shake the World

Section three: Lead the Way,Nothin But Trouble,Stick Like Glue

Section Four: My Heart's Wish, We Lead the Way, We Rejoice